Sunday, August 28, 2016

Ut på tur

For the last few weekends we've been partaking in a quintessentially Norwegian pastime known as "ut på tur". Literally it means going "out for a walk" and it's basically the national hobby. Especially on Sundays, known as Søndagstur, families or groups of friends will head out to the forests and mountains no matter the weather, to enjoy time together and some fresh air. Our family "turs" are borne out of complete necessity to get our mischievous toddler out of the house!

Here are some of our favorite spots...

Rogaland Arboret: A beautiful park about 25 minutes from home. The place is full of trails and different scenery around every corner. From lily ponds to mountain streams to pine forests! One of our favorite new discoveries!

Sandvedparken: City park and playground in Sandnes (about 15 minutes from our house.) There is a river running the length of the park that Xander enjoys. There is also one of the best public playgrounds in all of the Stavanger area here.

Tananger Barnahage: School playground across the street from our house. This is our "go-to" spot when we need to get the toddler out of the house ASAP! We can even see the playground from the top floor of our house!

Our house in the background

Hafrsfjord bru: Gorgeous neighborhood beach under the bridge that connects Tananger to Stavanger. The day we went was VERY windy (as your can see by Xander's hair in the picture below.)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Benjamin - 5 months

5 months already! Its been a rocky month full of highs and lows but at the end of the day you've truly multiplied our joy (...and divided our sleep!)

Shortly after returning from Texas we went for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was just a walk, like any other. Except it was something I had been dreaming about doing since I was pregnant with Xander. My back has been so bad, up until this point, that going for a walk around a lake that I had previously been able to run (multiple times) was out of the question. I must admit, I took about a million mommy/Benjamin selfies to commemorate the occasion. And I was tearing up with happiness behind my glasses. It was a lovely moment to share with my baby.
You started rolling over while we were in Texas. It seems like every time we're around Nana our kids hit these developmental milestones! While you really enjoy being on your tummy during the day it is at TOTALLY different story at night.
We've had to stop swaddling you now that you're rolling. Your brother didn't start rolling at night until about 6 months so he was pretty good already at rolling back and forth. You are great at rolling back to belly but not so great going the other direction. And once you're on your belly at night you're PISSED and awake and that's not fun for anyone! So to get us through this transitional stage you're sleeping in a sleep suit. It's super padded and helps keep you from rolling in your sleep. It looks ridiculous but it does the job!
TOES! This is a stage that Xander skipped! Not really sure why he was never too interested. I think babies playing with their toes are the cutest things EVER! You've been trying for a week or so to figure out how to reach them, and one morning I'm getting ready and I see this....VICTORY!
5 months is such a transition time for babies. I feel like the drive and motivation to move kicks in before they have the motor ability to do so. So it results in a lot of frustration! You've been sitting in the rock-and-play or the newborn seat on the Tripp Trapp when we're all in the kitchen but they both recline which you're no longer a fan of. You're not quite able to sit up unassisted, but I think YOU think you are! We've put you in the high chair seat a few times and you seem to enjoy sitting up MUCH more!
Trying out the Jump-a-roo for the first time! You seemed more interested in chewing the toys than actually jumping though :)
Much to Xander's disappointment, you've started showing a strong interest in whatever he is playing with. Lucky for you there are plenty of monster trucks with squishy rubbery wheels on which to cut your teeth.
My sweet Benjamin. I love your feisty, determined personality. I'm not seeing the laid back, easy going demenor that seems to be more steriotypical of a second child. But it seems like we don't make chill kids. However, your cuddles and easy giggles make my days joyful. I can't believe you've been a part of our crazy circus for 5 months already. We love you so much BenBen!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Alexander - 2 years!

Happy 2nd Birthday Alexander Kent.

This year we've watched you grow into a little guy with strong opinions and a big personality. It's no surprise to me that you're no "shrinking violet". You tell everyone you meet "hi!!!" and easily make friends with other kids when we are out. We've been told quite regularly that you're of the the loudest, busiest, and most mischievous kids in your class. While you can be difficult to parent, I'll take a vibrant, passionate kid over the alternative any day!

2 year stats:
16 teeth and 2 year molars on their way (or maybe they're in already...i'm not sticking my hand in to check though!)

Been on 32 flights and visited 7 countries

Made some new friends :)


Played in the snow for the first time!    

Speaking in 2-4 word sentences in English and Norwegian

Started (and LOVES) barnehage.

Gave us LOTS and LOTS of cuddles

Became a big brother (calls him "Ben Ben")

Was an Astronaut for Halloween

And Lumpy the Elephant at barnehage

Favorite activities: playing with cars, riding bike, throwing rocks into water, helping Daddy cook

Favorite foods: raisins, bananas, sausage, white cheese, brunost (sweet Norwegian brown cheese), pizza, havegrot, risengrot

Favorite phrases: "There ya go!", "HUSH!" (to the dogs), "Muh you" (love you),

Favorite people: Daddy, Mommy, Nana and Papa, Aunt Charlotte, Laila

Favorite toy: Depends on the day, but the white monster truck is usually near the top of the list. In addition, he has a variety of cars that he carries around by the armful.

Favorite color: Orange (wearing his favorite Orange tractor shirt)

Favorite songs: Frère Jacques/Brother John (which he calls "Ding Ding Dong") and the Wheels on the Bus

My son, you amaze me every day with your strong emotions, creativity, and exuberance for life. I would be lying if I said I didn't lay awake many nights thinking about how to stay ahead of keep us on our toes for sure! We love you so much and we are so proud of you!


Monday, July 18, 2016

Alexander's Second Birthday

Alexander was totally spoiled this year for his birthday! Because his actual birthday fell on a Tuesday we celebrated with friends the Sunday before. He also got a party at school and another small celebration at home on his real birthday.

The first celebration was with friends at Somagård. This was the same place we went last year for his birthday with Aunt Charlotte. The morning of his party he helped me bake the cupcakes. He was actually a pretty good helper and kept his fingers out of the batter until the very end! Since he was the birthday boy I let him lick the bowl and I think he thoroughly enjoyed it!

These cupcakes were a colossal pain. The cake mix, sprinkles, and ice cream cones were all imported from the US. They were top heavy and I was worried they would all tip over while I was carrying them into Somagård. But they were good and Xander was they were well worth the effort!
When he woke up from his nap we gave him his first birthday present. It was from his dad, hence the extra fancy wrapping paper. It was a train set and he was SO EXCITED!

We managed to drag him away from the trainset and we all loaded into the car to Somagård. The kids played for a bit then it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out the candles. It was the moment Xander had been waiting for! II promise he was way more enthusiastic than he looks. I think he was just in awe of the fire!
That face!!! Hahaha!
Enjoying cupcakes with the other Alexanders!
Alexander and Daddy
On the day of his actual birthday, he had a party at school. They had fruit and whip creme (no cake allowed at school), sang songs and played with bubbles. He was king for the day and he had a blast! They made him this awesome hat's a picture of Xander driving a dump truck with his name in sparkly letters. This kid is ALL about dump trucks so they clearly know him well!
When he came home we let him open even MORE presents. This was the start of him thinking every day must be his birthday! Haha!
One more cupcake! At least this time he looks more pleased! :)
For a good time you should fill your two year old with cupcakes and icing just before bed. Then see what happens...!!!
We had SUCH a wonderful time celebrating our little guy!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday to the coolest 2 year old I know! We love you Boo-boo!