Happy 8 months Alexander!
You are sitting up now. Actually, I think it's very possible that you were capable of sitting up a few weeks ago but I can never get you to slow down to actually SIT anywhere.
Bathtime is STILL your favorite. I'm glad that you're sitting up in the bath now because when you used to lay on your back you would kick half the bathwater out all over the laundry room! You love to spash the water with your hands and chew on bath toys.
We took a little Sunday drive to the Byrkjedalstunet Candle Factory. It was a gorgeous drive past frozen fjords and snowy mountains and OF COURSE I had forgotten to put the battery back in my camera...so all I got was iPhone pictures. We enjoyed waffles and jam and watching the hairy mountain goats! You were not too impressed with your first experience with snow.
You dad reads to you every single night before you go to bed. You are a great listener (most nights) and your favorite book is Peek-a-boo Forest from your Nana.
Your favorite toy right now is BY FAR the blocks that your Aunt Charlotte gave you for Christmas this year. You always have a block or two in your hand. You love to knock down towers and make silly noises through the holes in the blocks. Also they make a really fun noise if you bang them on things, which you do alllllll day. Thanks Charlotte :)
You are now officially crawling and very quickly. If I take my eyes off you for a second you're getting into things (sometimes quite literally) that you shouldn't. You love getting into the dog's crate and then of course you're covered in dog hair. So that's fun.
It should also be noted that watching the washing machine will occupy you for at least 3 minutes. Long enough for me to get a little something productive done!
You are such a mover now, but sometimes you get yourself into situations that you haven't quite figured out how to get out of- like the first time you pulled up on your book box. You were so upset because you couldn't figure out what to do next. And of course, like a good mommy, I snapped a black-mail picture!
You are so happy when you wake up, either first thing in the morning or from naps. I usually let you wake up slowly and play and talk for a while before I get you. That smile you give when I walk into the room to get you just melts me!
Your appetite has really sky-rocketed...maybe it has something to do with how busy you are all day. When I gave you this pear I figured it would keep you busy while I got your breakfast ready. By the time I had your eggs ready you had eaten the entire pear! Your favorite foods right now are pears (obviously), strawberry, salmon, eggs, and banana pancakes.
I think you were pretty smug here because somehow you had managed to steal over half of my cinnamon roll and eat it. I've never heard so many "nomnomnom"s!
Lights of all kind remain your obsession. You know where all the lamps and light fixtures are in the house and if they aren't on you look and yell at them until we turn them on. Which of course we always do because it results in a big grin and a look of wonder from you. If only we could all be so happy with the simple things in life.
Alexander, I have really fallen for you this month. You are not a laid back kid and as exhausted as you make me I'm totally OK with that. I love watching you explore every inch of your world. I love your wonder and glee at new things. I love when you give us 3 seconds of snuggles before you're off again. I love that you're inventing your own games and giggle when you know we're going to start playing them. I love the look you give me or your dad when we walk into the room - you're always excited to see us! You are so happy, mischievous, and curious!
And pretty darn adorable too!