Saturday, March 21, 2015

Alexander - 9 months

Helloooo! I know I've been terribly lacking in posts lately but Xander is on the MOVE and his naps are hard to come by so I just haven't had much time!

Alexander is 9 months old TODAY! He's now been out as long as he was in - that's a weird thought. I can definitely say that I'm much happier on this side of those 9 months!I took this picture about 14 hours before starting labor. I was leaving the midwife's office the day before my due date and I was certain that he wouldn't be coming anytime soon. Boy was I wrong!

Your personality continues to blossom this month. Surprisingly, you're a bit of a social butterfly...that definitely did NOT come from me. You LOVE interacting with other people! It's interesting to see you next to other kids your are smaller than most but always busy!

You've been saying "momma" since about 6 months but the speech-pathologist in me wouldn't accept it as a real word until I could see that you know the meaning. Well this month I think I can officially say you've said your first word...and it's momma! Good job kid! Many mornings you'll wake up in your crib and say "momma momma momma" over and over until your Dad comes to get you and brings you downstairs to me. It complely melts my heart! You'll also say it as you crawl to me when you notice me across the room. I don't hate it!

After MONTHS of being concerned about your weight you've finally started to pork up! Could it be because you now eat as much as an adult in addition to still nursing?! Breakfast is typically 2-3 eggs and a shared piece of fruit. Lunch is lighter because we're always on the go. Dinner is whatever we're having but almost the same sized portion. Tuna and chicken are your favorite meats. You also enjoy scarfing down beans and any type of fruit. It is so fun to see you explore new foods and textures and although we're starting to see hints of preferences (you now REFUSE broccoli...who are you!?) you generally eat anything we put in front of you.

Spring is FINALLY coming to Norway. The tulips in our front yard are blooming and we are all ready to get out of the house. My back is still making steady progress and although running is still off the table I'm able to bike ride. We took you for your first ride in the bike trailer around the neighborhood this month and you really enjoyed it. You have always enjoyed being outside and I think we're going to have so much fun this Spring and Summer enjoying (hopefully) some beautiful weather here.

Did I mention you are on the move!? If I thought you were fast last month then this month you're like baby lightening. You can seriously crawl almost as fast as I can run across the room. This is an equation that you've become great at calculating...Can I make it to the dog's water bowl faster than Mom. The answer is always yes. You still enjoy crawling in the dog's bed and you will chase Bailey in the mornings while I get your breakfast ready. The dogs are really good with you even when you smack them in the face or head butt them!

 You've been sleeping through the night now for almost 2 months. This is an amazing gift but it also has a downside - your naps are pretty unpredictable, sometimes non-existent. If I had to choose, I'd pick a good nighttime sleeper every time, but you still get fussy around nap times even when you don't end up going to sleep. Interestingly enough, I'm not much of a nap taker either so I can't really fault you for genetics. You've had a few rough nights and days and we swear up and down that you're teething but can't see anything to validate that yet. So for now it's still the 6 teeth.

Alexander- life with you is busy and noisy! You're always dirty and (almost) always happy. You love to laugh and you make life just that more joyful. We're proud of you kiddo...of your determination, your independence, and your fun-loving spirit. But unfortunately you're not allowed to grow any older...your first birthday is just around the corner and I just can not.

We love you buddy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Alexander - 8 months

Happy 8 months Alexander!

You are sitting up now. Actually, I think it's very possible that you were capable of sitting up a few weeks ago but I can never get you to slow down to actually SIT anywhere.

Bathtime is STILL your favorite. I'm glad that you're sitting up in the bath now because when you used to lay on your back you would kick half the bathwater out all over the laundry room! You love to spash the water with your hands and chew on bath toys.

We took a little Sunday drive to the Byrkjedalstunet Candle Factory. It was a gorgeous drive past frozen fjords and snowy mountains and OF COURSE I had forgotten to put the battery back in my all I got was iPhone pictures. We enjoyed waffles and jam and watching the hairy mountain goats! You were not too impressed with your first experience with snow.

You dad reads to you every single night before you go to bed. You are a great listener (most nights) and your favorite book is Peek-a-boo Forest from your Nana.

Your favorite toy right now is BY FAR the blocks that your Aunt Charlotte gave you for Christmas this year. You always have a block or two in your hand. You love to knock down towers and make silly noises through the holes in the blocks. Also they make a really fun noise if you bang them on things, which you do alllllll day. Thanks Charlotte :)

You are now officially crawling and very quickly. If I take my eyes off you for a second you're getting into things (sometimes quite literally) that you shouldn't. You love getting into the dog's crate and then of course you're covered in dog hair. So that's fun.

It should also be noted that watching the washing machine will occupy you for at least 3 minutes. Long enough for me to get a little something productive done!

You are such a mover now, but sometimes you get yourself into situations that you haven't quite figured out how to get out of- like the first time you pulled up on your book box. You were so upset because you couldn't figure out what to do next. And of course, like a good mommy, I snapped a black-mail picture!

You are so happy when you wake up, either first thing in the morning or from naps. I usually let you wake up slowly and play and talk for a while before I get you. That smile you give when I walk into the room to get you just melts me!

Your appetite has really sky-rocketed...maybe it has something to do with how busy you are all day. When I gave you this pear I figured it would keep you busy while I got your breakfast ready. By the time I had your eggs ready you had eaten the entire pear! Your favorite foods right now are pears (obviously), strawberry, salmon, eggs, and banana pancakes.

I think you were pretty smug here because somehow you had managed to steal over half of my cinnamon roll and eat it. I've never heard so many "nomnomnom"s!

Lights of all kind remain your obsession. You know where all the lamps and light fixtures are in the house and if they aren't on you look and yell at them until we turn them on. Which of course we always do because it results in a big grin and a look of wonder from you. If only we could all be so happy with the simple things in life.

Alexander, I have really fallen for you this month. You are not a laid back kid and as exhausted as you make me I'm totally OK with that. I love watching you explore every inch of your world. I love your wonder and glee at new things. I love when you give us 3 seconds of snuggles before you're off again. I love that you're inventing your own games and giggle when you know we're going to start playing them. I love the look you give me or your dad when we walk into the room - you're always excited to see us! You are so happy, mischievous, and curious!

And pretty darn adorable too! 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Alexander - 7 months

You spent your first night away from us this month. Your Dad and I stayed at a B&B in the King Williams district and you stayed with Nana and Papa. We were pretty worried about leaving you, not for our sake but for theirs! Your sleeping had been pretty horrid lately and I was afraid they would be up every hour with you. Luckily, you slept quite well (at least according to Nana) and so did we! Nana sent us this picture while we were gone...looks like you were just fine without us!

Speaking of were hit HARD this month. With a total of 5 teeth in a span of 4 weeks it has been rough to say the least. Your sleeping has been hit or miss...some nights you sleep for 11+ hours, others only 1-2 hours at a time. You're a total drool factory. And (the worst symptom in my opinion) is the biting. I thought that we were going to have to switch to exclusively bottle feeding for a few days but after some stern words on my part I think you got the message. Thank goodness!!!

You got to spend some quality time with your Stautzenberger family this month too and this time they didn't have to share you! You loved looking at your Aunt Charlotte's Christmas tree and we even got to soak up some warm sunshine outside at her house. It was the first time you've seen grass!

Shortly after we got home from Texas we decided it was finally time to transition you to your own bed in your own room. We were waking you up every night when we went to bed, and you were waking us up and night with your (sweet) noises and rustling. Not to mention the fact that you were starting to crawl out of your cobed! So we made the switch, cold turkey, no easing into it, and braced for the worst. After almost two months of terrible sleeping and teething and dropping the swaddle and jet leg we figured what the heck. And to our surprise you slept like a CHAMP! You have been sleeping in your own room now for over a week and I think we are ALL much happier and well rested.
Last morning in your cobed
First morning waking up in your crib
I can't believe how much you are growing and changing. You've started crawling (although you're pretty slow still) and you're really starting get into things. If it's at your level we better plan on you pulling it down and putting it in your mouth. Also, right now you love to knock over block towers that we make. You've gotten really noisy too! You love to yell...oh dear! And you say "mamamamama" all day and even though I know you're not calling me it still melts my heart.

This month couldn't pass without a nod to your one true love...the flashlight. What can cure a meltdown in seconds? The flashlight! What can make you squeal with delight? The flashlight! We now keep a flashlight by your changing table and one in my baby bag...just in case. You don't need a pacifier, but I better not get caught without your flashlight. In a pinch, my iPhone light will work, but it's not as ideal for sticking in your mouth! You crazy kid!

Alexander - every day that passes with you is both a challenge and a delight. Seeing you grow and experience the world is one of my greatest joys. It is such a gift to be able to spend my days with you!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

London Layover

We might have waited a little too long to book our flights back home to Texas for Christmas. As a result, we ended up with a 20 hour layover at London-Heathrow. So, on a whim, I messaged our cousins to see if they'd happen to be able to make it up from Dorchester to meet up with us. Miraculously they said yes! It was NOT a convenient trip for them (despite their gracious protests to the contrary) but somehow they made it work and I'm so glad they did!

We finally got to meet handsome baby Otis who was born just a few weeks after Xander.

And little Inzi isn't quite so little anymore and he has turned into such a fun little boy!  Xander took quite a liking to him and it was so sweet to see him be SUCH a good big brother!

We all hung out in the room and did a little photoshoot with the boys before heading downstairs for  a curry in the hotel restaurant.

Then Nina and I put the little boys to bed while the big boys walked to buy the, beer, prosecco, candy, and pastries! Then we stayed up way too late and indulged way too much!

The next morning we met up again for breakfast. Just long enough for some more baby cuddles and a group picture by the Christmas tree.

I love this family so much! We were so touched at the trouble they went through to see us and we can't wait to see them again! We've got plans to meet up in Scotland this year! :)

Friday, January 16, 2015


January 2012 Blitz had his first debilitating disc episode as a result of IVDD. In the middle of a terrible ice storm we drove to the emergency vet in the middle of the night who told us that he would need to have surgery and quick...the longer we waited the longer the disc was putting pressure on his spinal cord, running the risk of irreversible damage. Spinal surgery is not cheap but with the help of our family and friends, Blitz was able to have the necessary surgery and came home 10 days after for almost 4 months of recovery.

Fast forward to this October...Blitz was as healthy and happy as an almost 11 year old dog could be. He had made a 100% recovery thanks to the surgery and seemed to have no lingering weakness or pain. Unfortunately, while we were in Texas, our dog-sitter woke up to find that Blitz was not able to walk and seemed to be in a great deal of pain.

The canine neurosurgeon in Texas told us that the likelihood of him having another episode was high but somehow I thought that we could avoid it. We were so careful with him. Arthur built ramps outside so he wouldn't have to go up and down the stairs. He wasn't allowed on the couches or beds and he was certainly never allowed to jump off anything. But in the end, I think it was inevitable. IVDD is a disease, not just an injury, and it was only a matter of time.

After several extremely expensive vet visits and long-distance calls we were told we had two choices...put him down or try surgery. I strongly believe that when you get a pet you are promising to give them the best care for their entire life...not just when they're cute puppies and not just when it's convenient. So we realized we had no choice but to move forward with surgery.

The only canine neurosurgeon even remotely close to us was in Kristiansand, almost 4 hours from Tananger. Time was again of the essence and both our surgeon and dog-sitter were willing to drive half-way to pass off Blitz. We are incredibly thankful to both of them for being willing to meet in the middle of nowhere Norway in the middle of the night for Blitz.

After the surgeon got Blitz, he took him to their clinic until the morning when he would be prepped
for surgery. The 7 hour time difference made it difficult to get updates on his progress at any normal time. Thankfully, the surgeon was sensitive to this and made a point to call us late in the day (Norway time) so it was only noonish in Texas. We were on pins and needles waiting to hear the results of his surgery. Finally we got the went as expected. Now we had to wait to see if the paralysis was permanent or would start to resolve.

Blitz stayed with the surgeon in Kristiansand until we returned from Texas. His progress was super slow and when we finally picked him up he was stillnin pretty rough shape. He couldn't walk. Couldn't potty on his own. Couldn't even scratch an itch with his back legs. But he didn't seem to be in pain and seemed happy.

As the weeks have gone by he continues to gain strength and movement little by little. He can now walk on his own (!!!!) and can go potty outside! These are both huge accomplishments! He has quite a distinctive, wobbly, walk but I know he's glad to be able to move around! Just yesterday I saw him wag his tale for the first time in 4 months.

If you've met Blitz you know how much spunk he's got. That hasn't gone anywhere. Nor has his bossyness or impatience. He is just as demanding as ever, if not more! He is an aging dog and the sad fact is that a time will come when we will have to let him go. I'm glad that the time isn't here yet. He's got enough sass to last him many more years I'm sure. And he won't let a little wobble slow him down :)