Thursday, July 3, 2014

Our Small Fry is Here!

Alexander Kent Stautzenberger was born at 10:54 pm Saturday, June 21. He was born on his due date and on the summer solstice.

His birth day was the longest, most exhausting, beautiful, scary, and deeply moving day of our lives.

Click HERE to see the Birth Announcement Video

Contrary to popular opinion, I did not create this whole video while in the hospital! I'm good...but not that good! I made most of the video ahead of time and just popped in pictures and videos of Xander once he was born. It only took about 10 minutes.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stavanger Hospital Tour

(This is Arthur)

As part of our birth class, Hilary and I met up with the instructor (Wendy) and the rest of the class for a hospital tour. The hospital in Stavanger has 2 separate floors where babies are delivered. We started on the 7th floor, which is called the fødeloft (birth loft). This floor is ran by midwives and is where you will deliver if you have a normal pregnancy and delivery and will try for a natural birth.  At the entrance to the birth loft was this quilted banner titled "Welcome to the World".

There are blue and pink push pins placed in every day of the year so you can see all the boys and girls that have been born at the hospital this year. An interesting note, all the couples in our birth class are having boys. Wendy mentioned that it has seemed like there have been waves of groups with similar genders. Looking at the board there were groups of blue pins and pink pins throughout the year where you could see waves of girls followed by waves of boys.

The birth loft rooms are very similar to the experience you would have if you delivered at a birth center in the US, it just happens that it is located inside the hospital in Norway. There are 4 rooms which all have a full size bed to allow mother and father to rest together throughout the labor and delivery process. Not having a hospital bed and hospital equipment in the room made it feel a bit more comfortable than you would expect for a hospital delivery room. 

Each room has a birthing tub which might be nice for Hilary since we don't have a tub in our house. Apparently it is uncommon to have bathtubs in Norwegian homes. A great perk was that each room has a window and a great view of the fjords and mountains in the distance.

After we left the birth loft we went down to the 1st floor which is the traditional delivery floor. These rooms were standard hospital rooms, but most of them still had a birth tub and a view of the fjord out the window so that was nice. If there are any complications or reasons that the labor/delivery is not progressing normally, you would be able to head straight down to the 1st floor to receive any necessary medical intervention. Across the hall from the delivery rooms was the infant warmer and equipment in case there were any issues with the baby.

And last but not least the tour would end with an opportunity to try the Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Gas that is available in all the rooms as a pain/anxiety relief option during delivery. Wendy didn't have to ask the group for volunteers twice. I had Nitrous when I got my tooth pulled and that stuff is awesome. I was happy to be the guinea pig for the group!

If you have never tried Nitrous Oxide, DO IT!!! It's like having the perfect buzz. You are immediately calm, relaxed, and a little fuzzy. Oh, and you tend to laugh alot, which is why it's nicknamed laughing gas. The best part is it wears off in minutes and you are back to normal. On the day of delivery I will make sure to test the Nitrous to make sure it is safe and working properly for Hilary. Just a little sacrifice that a man has to make for his wife.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hike at Dalestemmen

A few weeks ago I met up with Stacy, a fellow expat. Her husband had found a beautiful hiking spot not far from Stavanger. After spending a warm, sunny afternoon exploring with her and her son I knew Arthur and I would have to come back! So a few days later we packed up the furry boys and set off for a picnic and hike on the island of Rennesøy.
It's a short 30 min drive, half of which is spent in sub-sea tunnels, to the quaint fishing village of Vikevåg. Another short drive up the switchbacks of a mountain and we arrived at a small parking lot with a trail head. This was the dogs’ first hiking experience in Norway so they were pretty rambunctious and at this point in my pregnancy, I am in full-blown waddle-mode. So Arthur took the dogs and walked in front while I followed. 
The trail head started at a small wooden gate. On our left was a pasture filled with sheep and adorable baby lambs. I'm kind of obsessed with lambs right now. Every field was full of them this spring and I think they're just about the cutest baby animal I've ever seen!! 
On our right was green rolling hills and Mastrafjord. Couldn't have asked for a more picturesque view! After a few more old wooden gates, I'm assuming with the sole purpose of keeping the sheep and lambs where they're supposed to be, we approached Dalstemmen Lake. At this point, we could choose to follow several different trails that would lead us to various sights and viewpoints around the island. 
Unfortunately, those trails will have to be explored at a later date cause I'm a preggo slow poke! We decided to continue past the lake and up a short walk to the top of the mountain. We picked a grassy spot near the top with the most breathtaking view of the fjord to stop and stopped to enjoy our picnic. 
The dogs also enjoyed their lunch of farm-fresh, local, organic sheep poo. Dogs are so gross!

The view over the fjord was breathtaking! The sun was out and you could see all the way back to Stavanger. I just can't get enough of the views here. The blue sky against the bright greens of the grass and glittering water is incredible. Add to that the pastoral scenes of green rolling hills, lambs, and old wooden farm houses surrounded by tulips and everywhere you look is a friggin' postcard! And don't get me started on the cool breezes and fresh air...such a welcome departure from the oven that is Texas in the summer!
We sat for a while, soaking in the view and the sun and then Arthur decided to explore. I would normally be right there with him but instead I decided to curl up on the picnic blanket and take a little snooze. He walked down to a creek flowing nearby which turns into a waterfall at the base of the mountain. You can hike all the way down the mountain following the creek and I can't wait to do just that hopefully later this summer! 
When he returned, the clouds had started to roll in and were threatening to rain. So we decided to pack up and head out. We're right on the North Sea coast and the weather in this region can change pretty rapidly. It frequently goes from warm and sunny to cold and rainy within a matter of hours. We stopped again at Dalestemmen Lake for a bit to snap some pictures and before we knew it both dogs were in the water! Little stinkers!
For dogs that hate baths they sure plunged into that icy water pretty fast! We had to drag them back to the car...stinky and muddy! I think it's safe to say they love Norway too!

Can't wait to go back again when we can explore more of the trails!!  :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

35 Weeks!

How many weeks: 35

What size is baby: honeydew melon, 18 inches and 5.25 lbs

Movement: We are in the "running out of room" phase. He must be super squished because everywhere I feel on my belly is a little body part! He continues to be super active, but the movement is less tickling and more pushing and stretching. He gets the hiccups at least once a day and, like clockwork, as soon as I lay down to sleep at night. He's a big boy now and it makes my whole body shake. I have to wait until his hiccups pass to finally fall asleep. I'm also happy to report that he has settled into a head-down position ("locked and loaded" as I like to say) and both my midwife and chiropractor think there is little chance of him flipping. Good boy!

New symptoms: No new symptoms thankfully. Other than the discomfort that comes with growing a planet in my belly! :)

Cravings: I think my cravings have more to do with what I can't find here in Norway than pregnancy! I'd love for someone to ship me some Tillamook cheddar cheese, Stubb's BBQ sauce, York peppermint patties, and Taco Cabana!! K thanks!

Sleep: I'm continuing to sleep very well which is totally out of the norm for me! I'm so very thankful for the good rest I'm getting now as I'm sure I'll miss it once he's born.

Rings on/off: on

Best memory of the week: Writing our birth plan. I'm very much looking forward to giving birth here in Norway. I feel like their approach is much more aligned with our wishes for labor than I had found in the US (I'm thinking of writing a post about this for more details.) However, because of the significant issues I've had with SPD, I will have certain limitations during my labor. I'm so thankful to have a partner that is a willing and engaged participant in this process! 

Looking forward to: seeing his little face for the first time. I'm predicting he is going to be totally bald or rocking some blond peach fuzz. I'll be shocked if he doesn't have blue or hazel eyes, and he will hopefully have plump little lips...just like his Pops!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sunday, Solastranden, and Suksesskake

When I heard about a Sunday buffet at a local hotel I was curious. I had heard both local Norwegians and expats raving about this place and I wondered if it would live up to the hype. So I decided Arthur and I would need to check it out. We started our morning at a local church and then headed out to the Sola Strand Hotel after the service.

I'm no history buff, but I thought it was interesting that the hotel, which was was built in 1914, was used as living quarters by the Norwegian Air Force and was briefly taken over by German soldiers during WWI! But enough history...we were there to EAT!

The buffet did NOT disappoint. I wish I had taken more pictures but I couldn't fill my plate fast enough! There was a huge selection including an amazing salad bar (a rare find here!), fresh and smoked salmon, deviled eggs, slices of Norwegian cheese, jams, and a large bread basket with a variety of breads. The hot dishes included more fish, meatballs, roast, lamb, mashed and boiled potato, steamed veggies, and (of course) pølse (basically a hot dog.)

However, what caught my eye as soon as we walked in was the dessert table. I typically steer clear of deserts...not because I don't like sweets but because I lose all self-control around them!!! Sugar is something we cut out of our diet and with good reason. But when faced with a dessert spread such as this one there is no room for reason.

There was fresh fruits and a cheese tray, chocolate mouse, caramel, vanilla, and chocolate flan (although I'm sure it's not called flan here), adorable pink and purple macaroons, and lots of cakes. Heaven!

Full disclosure here...I had one small plate of salad, smoked salmon, and steamed veggies and 3 (mmmmmmaybe 4) plates of dessert. I told you! No self-control!

Our favorite cake was called a suksesskake (success cake.) It is made mostly of ground almonds which gives it a dense, chewy, and slightly crunchy texture. It is topped with a not-too-sweet thick yellow frosting and sprinkled with more sliced almonds. It's more of a dessert bar than a cake and delicious just doesn't cover it!

As we ate our dessert(s), we had a lovely chat with a couple sitting at the table next to us. When you hear someone speaking English with an southern accent it tends to peak your interest. Turns out they were from Louisiana and had just moved to Stavanger a few months before us. The husband actually works at the same company as Arthur and they exchanged contact info and made plans for golf sometime this summer. They recognized us from church, and although we didn't even realize it, had sat right behind us during the service.

After lunch, we rolled walked out to the beach...just a few steps from the buffet. It was only slightly breezy, sunny, and warm so we sat for a while people watching. Apparently, Solastranden is just one of many white sand beaches characteristic of this region of Norway. But this ain't no Gulf of Mexico beach folks...those frigid waves are coming straight from the North Sea!

And the obligatory bump picture...

All in all...a perfect Sunday in Norway!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Celebrating the first thirty!

When I turned 29 I told Arthur exactly how I wanted my 30th birthday celebration to go. I wanted to wear a fancy frock, go to dinner at some off-the beaten path foodie establishment, then dance and drink the night away with my close friends. I imagined we might even have a destination party somewhere like New Orleans or Miami.

What I didn't imagine was that I'd celebrate my 30th in Norway, very pregnant, and barely able to walk, much less dance and drink! What I missed in being surrounded by family and friends I gained in undivided attention from Arthur. As we talked at dinner, he reminded me the real cause for celebration.

In my first thirty years...

I made my dream of becoming a speech-language pathologist a reality by graduating with both my bachelors and masters degrees and putting in countless hours of clinical work to put all those letters behind my name. I have a career that I enjoy because it is intellectually challenging and personally fulfilling.

The man I've been head-over-heels for since I was 18 decided to give it a go and ask me to marry him. We've been happier than I even knew was possible. Our marriage is by far my most treasured possession.

We were successful in our commitment to get healthy and finally lose the freshmen 15 (um...make that 50+) In the process I learned that I actually love to run, that mountain biking is a total rush, and my husband is still total hottie!!

We've been able to travel all over the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia and now we live in Norway! Living abroad was a long-shot, bucket-list dream that I thought would never be possible! Now I'm living the dream people!

I went through an incredible transformation...from being the girl who said I might not ever want children of my own to loving every minute of growing this precious baby boy in my tummy.

So what if my "fancy-frock" was more Target Maternity than Neiman Marcus! And my off-the-beaten-path foodie establishment was a cozy Italian restaurant on the harbor in Stavanger. I had a wonderful day with my husband and best friend. 

Besides, dancing and drinking the night away is always less fun than it sounds the morning after! Turning in at 9 that's what I'm talking about! :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Mother's Day is about to take on a whole new level of significance for me. I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a "mom" and naturally, this has led to me thinking a lot about (and missing!) my own mom! So without further ado...a shout-out to the most fabulous, sassy, beautiful, fun mom I know!

To my mom on Mother's Day...

I love your joie de vivre. You've taught me to delight in both the meaningful and mundane.

I love the genuine empathy and care you show for everyone you encounter. You've taught me it's OK to open my heart to others and be vulnerable.

I love your sillyness. You've taught me there is great joy in letting loose, dancing, and singing out loud...just because.

I love your marriage to dad. You've taught me the best marriages are built on a foundation of trust, communication, and commitment and sustained by friendship, laughter, passion, adventure and love.

I love everything about you and I'm thankful to have you as my teacher and friend through this crazy journey of life. Happy Mother's Day to you!