Thank you Alexander, for making us take life a little slower, for making us melt with your sweet coos, and for making us so very excited about what the future holds for you and for us as a family!
- We spent three days in the hospital hotel after you were born. Three quiet, restful, lovely days. Although we missed sharing your birth with all our loved ones in the states, it was a beautiful thing to just be us for those days. We spent that time snuggling with you when you were awake and watching you (in awe) while you slept. It was a beautiful time!
- My parents flew into Norway on the day that we came home and it was such a special moment introducing you to them for the first time! Nana Liza and Papa Kent (your namesake) were so excited to meet you and I know it was love at first sight for them :)
- We had our first visitor when you were 4 days old. Liz and her baby Adeline came by to bring us dinner and a sweet little toy. We've had many friends since, bringing meals, and it has been a lifesaver!
- We moved to a new house when you were a week old! Yes, we were crazy! But we were also crazy ready to get to the new house! We now have an even bigger yard, tons of space, and Arthur is a 5 minute walk to work which means he spends A LOT more time at home.
- One of the first things I noticed when you were born was how long and skinny you were! You have pretty big hands and feet for a newborn too and we have a feeling that you're going to be a very tall boy! Although you are gaining weight (you're over 9 lbs now) you're gaining length too so you still look skinny. But I know that breastfeed babies are lean and the midwife says you're healthy. We call you a "banana baby"
- You are such a good baby! You don't cry except when you need something...which is how it should be! You let us calm you down when you get upset. You love to snuggle and look around. You LOVE tummy time with your dad. He lays you down on his chest in the afternoons for a least an hour or two and you are so happy! Sometimes you have baby work-out time on his chest and sometimes you completely conk out! It is so sweet to watch you two spend time together.
- You are IN LOVE with blinds! It's a good thing that we moved because our old house didn't have mini-blinds and then what in the world would you look at!?
- You have really great head control for a newborn and (especially during tummy time with dad) you love to look around! You have even stronger legs and you often "bull-doze" whoever you are laying on.
- You are a really great sleeper. You've already gotten into a schedule at night. You eat around 9pm, 1am, 5am, and 10am. Arthur gets up and changes your diaper then bring you to me to eat...then we all fall back asleep (such a great daddy!) Not every night goes that smoothly, but most do and we are so thankful for those stretches of sleep!
- You are a thumb sucker (like I was!) Although you get very frustrated because you don't have good enough control of your hands to get your thumb to your mouth. You went through a period of about 2 weeks where you would get REALLY upset trying to get to your thumb and wind up scratching your face up in the process. We did not want to give you a pacifier until you were at least 4 weeks old but we finally gave in and I'm so glad that we did. We now only give it to you when we know you're not hungry. I'm so glad that we gave in and let you have a paci as it makes you very happy. I might not love it so much when it's time to wean you off though!
- You gave me a real smile a few days ago (not while sleeping or pooping lol) and it totally melted my heart. I'm so looking forward to more smiles!
- Next month we will take our first trip together as a family to the American embassy in Oslo to get your passport. We are so excited to start traveling with you!!