6 months already!!! 6 months seems like such a milestone! Our little B has been here for half a year now and it's crazy to think in the same amount of time he'll be walking and talking!
He's still growing fast! So fast in fact, that I had to put him in his Christmas onsie from Nana before he outgrows it. He's 50%tile for weight but 95%tile for height! Apparently we make long, lean boys.
This month I hosted a playdate at our house. B was a charmer and enjoyed watching the other babies.
The Jump-a-roo has been a baby favorite around these parts. After Xander outgrew it we lent it out to some friends. It's now been through 3 other babies and has returned to use just in time for B. I would say it's been worth the money! Benjamin is finally big enough to use it now and he loves it. It's a beast of a baby item but it's so fun to watch him jump and play in it!
Arthur and I have been trying to meet for lunch once a week. Sometimes we eat lunch at home while Benjamin naps, but since he's been fighting naps lately we've been going out for lunch. I guess there are advantages to not sleeping...
Benjamin and I started baby swimming this month. He has already started diving under the water and holding his breath! His teacher says he is a natural swimmer. Of course he is, he was BORN in the water :) It's second nature to him. Thankfully after each class he CONKS out for several hours and I get some much needed B-free time!
Reach and grab! His new favorite skill...much to Xander, and the dogs', disappointment. Benjamin's favorite toys are Xander's cars and he loves to grab Bailey's long hair. So far he has been very good with him even though Benjamin can be a little rough. The kid has an iron grip!

I cherish this time with Benjamin now as I see him growing so fast. But I'm also ready to put this month behind us. His sleep has been dreadful and I've been pushed to the brink of exhaustion. He is a very demanding baby (as babies should be) but meeting his needs can leave me totally drained at the end of the day. I know these sleep issues are just for a season, and I'm hopeful that, as we start to introduce solid foods, he will sleep longer. I also have a feeling that some teeth are on the way but I can't see anything yet. But just when I feel like I've had enough and I need a break, I come around the corner to catch a moment like this....Xander "reading" to his little brother, and Benjamin totally mesmerized. Seeing these two grow together is without a doubt the best part of my day!
So happy 6 months to our little B!!!