It's been a while since I've posted anything that didn't have to do with updates on Xander or baby #2. But I had to share a quick post with pictures from our recent snow days. It's a gorgeous, sunny day here now but after the holidays were over in January we were all dreading dealing with another dark and wet month! Boy did we luck out this year :)
When I first pictured our life in Norway I imagined it would involve A LOT of snow! But that's not exactly been the case. We live on the southwestern coast of the country which is actually known more for it's copious amounts of precipitation in the form of rain. This time of year is typically dark, cold, and dreary so having snow on the ground for much of January was such a bright and welcome sight!
Xander had so much fun playing out in the snow almost every day.
He loved sound his boots made when he stomped.
Thank goodness his mom bought him these amazing warm, waterproof gloves with soft fleece on the inside. Too bad he REFUSED to wear them and instead would only wear his thin, fabric mittens that did nothing to keep the cold out! I have no idea where this kid gets his stubborn streak...
Crunching in the snow
Making snow balls to throw at Dada :)
I there anything more lovely than snow and sunshine!?
Making his first snow angel!
Afterschool snow selfies with Dada
There is a word here in Norway that doesn't really have a direct translation into English. "Koselig" means that warm, loved, secure feeling you get snuggling up on a cold winter day with candles, and blankets, and people you love. Our January, and the weeks of beautiful snow, was totally koselig! :)