Friday, February 19, 2016

Snowy Days

It's been a while since I've posted anything that didn't have to do with updates on Xander or baby #2. But I had to share a quick post with pictures from our recent snow days. It's a gorgeous, sunny day here now but after the holidays were over in January we were all dreading dealing with another dark and wet month! Boy did we luck out this year :)

When I first pictured our life in Norway I imagined it would involve A LOT of snow! But that's not exactly been the case. We live on the southwestern coast of the country which is actually known more for it's copious amounts of precipitation in the form of rain. This time of year is typically dark, cold, and dreary so having snow on the ground for much of January was such a bright and welcome sight!

Xander had so much fun playing out in the snow almost every day.
 He loved sound his boots made when he stomped.
 Thank goodness his mom bought him these amazing warm, waterproof gloves with soft fleece on the inside. Too bad he REFUSED to wear them and instead would only wear his thin, fabric mittens that did nothing to keep the cold out! I have no idea where this kid gets his stubborn streak...
 Crunching in the snow
 Making snow balls to throw at Dada :)
 I there anything more lovely than snow and sunshine!?
 Making his first snow angel!
  Afterschool snow selfies with Dada
 There is a word here in Norway that doesn't really have a direct translation into English. "Koselig" means that warm, loved, secure feeling you get snuggling up on a cold winter day with candles, and blankets, and people you love. Our January, and the weeks of beautiful snow, was totally koselig! :)

Friday, February 5, 2016

35 weeks - Small Fry #2

Before I start this post, I just want to take the opportunity to thank you guys for being my cheerleaders throughout this pregnancy. You may not realize it, but I'm pretty selective who I share our little family blog with (the Facebook posts are only shared with a restricted list of friends). So if you're reading this, it's because I know you've got my back. So thank you!!! Thank you for the prayers, the messages, the "just because" checking in's, the shoulder(s) to cry on, and the unwavering encouragement. It really has meant so very much to me. I'm grateful for each and every one of you special people in my life and in the lives of my children. OK...Mushy is OVER...time for the post :)

See my 35 week post with Xander here!

How many weeks: 35 today (YAY! I'm posting on time!)

What size is baby: honeydew melon, 18 inches and 5.25 lbs

Movement: Fortunately, he's been head down now for some time now. Unfortunately, that means consistent feet in the ribs. It's interesting to me that he doesn't seem to be as much of the mover and shaker that Xander was at this that foreshadowing that #2 is going to be our "chill" kid? Occasionally I get what Arthur and I call "Alien Belly" which is just random body parts pushing waaaaaay out of my tummy. Usually it's a baby butt lol. And hiccups every night like clock-work...just like his big brother.

New symptoms: Pregnancy hunger has returned! Usually it's just around dinnertime and because I'm lucky enough to be married a world class chef that usually means I get second helpings of some pretty delicious and healthy food. Last night it was curried cauliflower, soy and honey glazed salmon, and roasted asparagus spears.

Cravings: Still sugar...get in my belly!

Sleep: This isn't really happening for me this time. Not sure why I'm having trouble sleeping but I seem to have a lot of just general insomnia. At least I'll be used to it when the baby comes!

Rings on/off: on...but barely

Best memory of the week: Getting more baby items for him ready. We now have a crib (for his room) and a cradle (for our room). We've also got a baby "command station" in our room that just needs to be stocked with Xander's handmedowns! This week we also received an incredibly thoughtful gift from a friend of ours here...the softest, cuddliest, baby blanket embroidered with his name and a scripture (thank you again Sandy!!!) Since we didn't decide on Xander's name until shortly after he was born we didn't have any personalized items for him. But this one has had a name picked out almost from the start so it's so fun to have some special things ready and waiting for his arrival!

Looking forward to: NOT BEING PREGNANT ANYMORE! Seriously though, I'm very aware that being able to grow and healthy child inside my body is an incredible gift. However, my body does not handle pregnancy all that well. And while I'm not one of those women that loves being pregnant, I am still trying to make as many memories of these last few weeks as I can because I know this will be the last time I ever feel what this feels like. Although it's a little bittersweet, I really am ready to be done with this stage of my life and move on to being an active healthy mommy to TWO busy, crazy little boys!