Sunday, September 21, 2014

Alexander - 3 months

I'll say it this time...I really can't believe our baby boy is 3 months old. We're really starting to see his little personality and I absolutely love it! He is such a sweet, silly, easy going kid...clearly he got all those traits from me :) This month has been relatively laid back and it's been really nice to settle into a routine as a family.

  • You LOVE your dad! Like...big time! You get a big smile on your face when he gets you up in the morning and when he comes home from work. And one evening you started fussing while I was holding you so your dad took you and you looked at me over his shoulder with the big grin like..."Yup! I get what I want!"...too cute!

I think it's safe to say the feeling is mutual!

  • Your weight has dropped to the point where we have to take action. We've had you checked by 3 doctors here all who say you are perfectly healthy...aside from low weight gain. The conclusion is that my milk supply is low. We've made some changes and you gained half a pound this week! Thank goodness because I was really stressing out! Here you are at the doctor's office smiling at dad (of course)!
  • I don't know the first thing about dressing a baby for cold, wet winters...thankfully there is a used kid's clothing sale here in the Fall and Spring. We loaded up on things I know we couldn't find in Texas...a down pram sleeping bag, wool clothing, and a fleece snow suit. I must look like a proper Norwegian kid!
  • Thank goodness for Facetime! You got to have a chat with these two lovely ladies...I think I'm gonna be in trouble for posting this picture though...
  • Your oldest brother, Blitz, still acts like you don't exist but Bailey is pretty smitten. He looks for you in the morning to give you puppy kisses (only on the feet of course) and he can't stand it when you're crying. Here Bailey is practicing rolling over with you.
  • Then there was that time that I filled up the memory on my phone in record time with videos of you doing practically the same thing every time...such is the life of a new mommy!
  • This video, however, is to stinking cute not to share...
  • You are SUCH a happy baby! You are a total delight to be around...most of the time! You're killing me with those gummy smiles kid!
Next month is going to be exciting. We will celebrate Xander's 4 month birthday in San Antonio! We're going home for his baptism and to introduce him to everyone that is so excited to meet him! We can't wait!!!