How many weeks: 30
What size is baby: head of cabbage, 15.7 inches and 3 lbs
Movement: If he had a theme song right now it would be "I Like to Move It Move It!" When I am still, even for a second, he starts wiggling around. He's discovered this fun place called my ribs and enjoys kicking the crap out of them without notice. Every once in a while, he goes really nuts and you can see the outline of body parts pushing out of my stomach. Son, I love you but that's pretty weird!
New symptoms: I'm having A LOT of hip, back, and pelvic pain. I figured it was from over-exerting myself during the move but I've gotten to the point where some days I can hardly walk. My new midwife here said that it's very common in Norwegian women to experience hip/pelvic pain in pregnancy and referred me to a chiropractor. My chiropractor (Hilde) discovered that my right knee is 2 inches higher than my left and I have a significantly reduced range of motion in my neck and hip due to how "out of alignment" my hips and spine are...then she scolded me for about 10 minutes for waiting so long to come in. I am now going twice a week to get "re-aligned". I'm still not able to walk more than about 10 minutes at a time but I'm seeing an improvement for sure.
On a side note...everything is so scenic and well...Scandinavian looking. Even the chiropractor's clinic is pretty!
Cravings: I wouldn't call it a craving...but I definitely developed a taste for tart and sour sweets. Luckily, every grocery store we've gone to here has a self-serve, bulk, candy section that looks similar to this one...
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There are tons of chewy and sour candies. I just have to make sure not to grab any licorice. It's a Norwegian favorite but ICK!
Sleep: Much improved from the previous 7 months. Now that I'm over jet-lag and getting used to the noises of this house and the city, I can sleep about 7-8 hours per night. I do have to flip from side to side as my hips start to ache but I usually fall back asleep quickly. Would it be TMI if I mentioned that my bladder seems to be holding it like a waking up to pee!
Rings on/off: on
Best memory of the week: Arthur and I have been very indecisive about a name. His middle name has been set since we found out he was a boy, but finding the perfect first name has been tricky. We want something traditional but unique, easy to spell and pronounce, with a touch of Norway and a dash of Texas. So we're going with Sven-Davy-Crockett!!! No? OK...then we've decided to commit to a name that has been at the top of our list for months. Our plan is to use this name for a while and see if it feels right. No, we're not ready to share yet...mostly because we're still so wishy-washy about it that any comment for/against would probably sway us :) I'm just excited to call him something!
(Just for the record, Tortilla Jackson was a close second...5 points if you can name that movie without asking The Google.)
Looking forward to: so much! All this moving around has got us speculating on his personality. I have a feeling he might be a little feisty like his momma. I just hope he has a sweet side too, like his dad :)