When this house popped up I immediately forwarded the link to Arthur. Not only does it meet all our criteria, but it has a nice backyard, is one level (no stairs, which is super important for Blitz), is nicely furnished, and has a guest room and bath.
The procedure for renting property is different than in the states. Property owners have more of a choice when it comes to who they rent to and, as was true our case, can accept multiple bids. They can even choose to not accept an offer simply because they don't want to.
We submitted a bid on the house Friday afternoon but had to wait until Monday to know if it was accepted by the owners. We were eating lunch when we finally got the call that our offer had been accepted and the house is now ours!
Entryway and hall-way
Our bedroom (door opens up to a small deck)
Guest bedroom (check out that chandelier!! I love it!)
Main living area and dining room (looks out onto the yard)
Another view of the main living area
Guest half-bath
Full bath with shower (not pictured)
This will be the nursery eventually
Another kitchen shot
I love the house as it is but I'm sure i'll make some changes after we move in to make it our own. Now all we need are some wonderful visitors! :)